Your Yoga Accessories

One of the great things about yoga is that there is really nothing that you need to buy in order to benefit from a good yoga class. So many workout routines want you to get step stools, weights, resistance bands, and more just so that you can complete one workout program. Yoga doesn't work like that. When you are doing yoga, it is all about you and your yoga mat. Anything else that you get is up to you, your mat can easily be all you ever need for a good yoga workout.

How Should You Choose Your Yoga Mat?

One thing that is really important when you are trying to workout is to find workout accessories that make it more enjoyable for you to workout. You want your workout environment to be a place that you like to go to and a place that will help you to feel good about yourself.

When you are doing yoga, your workout environment is your yoga mat. This is the place where you will stretch yourself, challenge your body, and meditate back into yourself after a hard workout. Many people consider their yoga mat to be a sacred space and they don't let anyone step on it, eat on It or do anything that is disrespectful to that sacred space.

And if your yoga mat is going to mean so much to you, it is important that you find and use a mat that you genuinely feel connected to.

The thing about yoga mats is that they are designed differently for different people. Some people like to have a harder mat while other people prefer a soft mat. Still, there are other people who like their mats to be a combination of hard and soft and still other people who do great with a beginners mat and never feel the need to switch.

You need to find a mat that works for you and your practice. It should be something that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed while helping you to feel strong in your yoga poses. Sounds tricky I know but once you get more familiar with different yoga poses you will be able to find what works for you.

Yoga Blocks and Bands

If you find that your muscles are tight or you cannot go into stretches as deeply as your yoga instructor, you may want to think about some yoga blocks or bands. A yoga block is simply a small block that you can place onto the ground when you go into a standing stretch. The block with support your body so that you can focus on going deeper into the stretch in a supported way rather than lose your proper form by trying to go as far to the floor as your instructor.

Bands also work to support you. For instance, if you are in a seated pose and you are having a hard time keeping your form while you are trying to stretch out through your legs, you can simply place a band around the ball of the foot and go into the stretch more deeply.

While you don't need blocks or bands for most yoga routines, if you are having trouble with your form during your yoga practice, these tools can help you out.

Yoga Mat Towel

A yoga mat towel is something that many people who practice yoga do not need. It is more for the advanced yogi or the yoga student who tends to slip on their mat. The mat towel is simply placed over your yoga mat and it is meant t act as a gripper when you are performing those more challenging yoga routines that are designed to make you sweat.

No matter what accessories you decide to get for your yoga practice, there is one thing that you should make sure of – it should all look pretty. That might sound silly but it is true. Whether you are a man or a woman if your workout accessories are appealing to your eye then your workout won't seem as intimidating and it will make it that much easier for you to dedicate your time to working out.

Why Your Kids Should Be On a Yoga Mat

You know that both men and women love yoga. Women love it because they can feel better about themselves and change their bodies for the better. Men love it because it helps them to build flexibility and it works their muscles in ways that most workout routines do not. But yoga isn't just for men and women, it is also for kids! More and more yoga studios are recognizing the amazing benefits of offering yoga classes to the younger generation and allowing them to get familiar with an easy yoga routine.

So many of the benefits that we as adults get from a good yoga routine can be passed onto our kids. All of those wonderful things that we can learn from our yoga practice are things that our kids can learn from their yoga practice too. Even though they are young, kids can really benefit from that mind-body-spirit connection that yoga offers as well as the physical strength and flexibility that they can gain. Yoga also teaches children patience, something that is so hard for so many young ones to understand. When you do yoga, you are doing a slow and steady routine designed to help you to stretch your body into new positions. But when you get into these stretches you then focus all of your energy on your breath and stretching deeper into the pose.

When a child does yoga, they can't rush through the poses, they have to be still and let their bodies do the work. This is a great way to teach them 'yoga off the mat' – in other words what they learn on a yoga mat will be something that they will carry with them when they are going about their daily routines. Just like adults have very fast paced lives, kids have fast paced lives too. They rush to school, do homework, have chores, and do extra curricular activities all in one day. Yoga will teach them to have the calm patience and relaxation to sail through these hectic days with ease.

But even more than learning patience, flexibility, and relaxation is the fact that you can make a yoga practice a routine that your child will carry with them throughout their lives. Think about a sport that you played when you were a child. You likely played that sport because you loved it and even if you don't play now you likely still watch that sport whenever you get a chance. Yoga is no different. If your child tries yoga now and they enjoy it, then yoga will likely be something that they will carry with them throughout their lives. They will not only experience the many health benefits of yoga, but they will also go through their lives with the kind of conscious awareness that only yoga can bring.

Not to mention when a child sees a parent do something, they naturally want to do it too. Your child will feel like they are getting to do something really special if they get to go to your yoga studio with you.  What better time to teach them a practice that they can carry with them throughout their lives?

What Can A Yoga Bolster Do For You

Are you tired of that constant ache in your neck? Do you get tension headaches, horrible backaches, or other pain along your spine? Are you simply someone who practices yoga that is looking to experience yoga more deeply?  If any of these questions sounds like you then you may want to look at getting a yoga bolster.

What is a bolster?

Basically, a bolster is a rectangular shaped pillow that is filled with air. It should be sturdy enough to easily support you when you are laying down but it should also be light enough that you can move it easily whenever you need to, (usually there is a convenient handle on the top of the bolster so that you can easily pick it up with one hand).

Even though Bikram yoga is the most popular style of yoga that uses a bolster there are many other styles of yoga that rely on this simple yet powerful yoga tool as well. For example, even though they are not as popular as Bikram yoga, Ananda and Kripalu yoga both make heavy use of a yoga bolster.

What does a bolster do?

Believe it or not, a yoga bolster can do many things. It is designed to mainly provide support for the back, abdomen, legs and spine. It can be used to help you to get into some very deep yoga poses, and it is a relaxing way to take your yoga to a deeper level.

But a bolster can also help you in your everyday life too. For example if your back is feeling 'out of whack' , just a few minutes of laying on a bolster can help to relax and realign you. Another great use of a bolster is when you have neck tension. Simply laying on the bolster in the correct way will help to stretch your neck out while supporting your back.

Another great thing about the bolster is that it is perfect for you no matter where you are in your yoga journey. If you are just starting to get into yoga, a bolster can be a great way for you to find proper form in certain poses and to help you to prepare your body for a stronger workout. On the other hand if you are more advanced in yoga, then a bolster is a nice way to help you get deeper into certain yoga poses and become more in tune with your body.

It's no wonder both beginner and advanced yogis love the bolster!

How to Dress Like A Yogi

Yoga is all about freeing the mind, enriching the soul, and working the body. But wearing the wrong outfit to your yoga practice can make you off balance, prone to injury, and downright clumsy. Even though there  isn't any  'official dress code' for stepping onto the yoga mat, when you wear the wrong outfit you will not be able to get the proper form out of your poses – and trust me when it comes to yoga, your form matters.

If you are new to yoga, here are some simple tips to make you 'yoga ready' :


We all like to look our best, it's only natural. But when you are on a yoga mat, your beauty comes from inside. Sure you might look great wearing that stylish toe ring, but if it gets snagged on your yoga mat whenever you prep for  a downward dog then you might wind up toppling over in the middle of your class. The same thing goes for bracelets, necklaces, and big rings.

Same goes for you guys out there as well. Watches can tear into a yoga mat when you are flowing through your poses and they can also limit the flexibility of your wrists. So you may want to take them off before your practice.

 Basically if it will dangle when  your are upside down or if it can get snagged on your mat while you are working out then it should come off. The good news is that wedding rings usually don't cause a problem.

If you know anything about yoga you probably know that jeans are not acceptable. After all they limit your mobility and make it nearly impossible to get into a nice deep stretch. But what you might not know is that it isn't just tight fitting pants that can get you into trouble on a yoga mat, when your pants are too lose they can also be a hazard.

Think about the different poses that you do in yoga, even a simple plank pose can get aggravating when your pants legs are hanging down onto the floor. And if you are taking a flow class, those baggy pants will be nothing short of a disaster, (every time you try to flow in those floor poses your pants legs will be extremely uncooperative).

They make yoga pants because these are the best pants for your yoga practice. But depending on how often you want to yoga, yoga pants can get a little pricey. If you are looking for some pants you can take on the yoga mat, just remember that you want pants that feel comfortable but don't feel tight. You also want pants that are snug enough that they hug your body but they should also be loose enough that you love being in them.

Little Tip: When you find the pants that fit right for you, you also want to check the length of the pants – the last thing you want is to have your feet tripped up by pants that are too long.

The good news is that your yoga shirt is not as big of a deal as the yoga pants. In fact, you can use almost any shirt to practice yoga in as long as it meets a few simple rules.

A good rule of thumb when picking out a shirt for your yoga practice is to try the shirt on and get into a downward dog position while you are at home. Since this is a popular yoga pose and it also forces your body upside down, it is a great gauge to how your shirt will do during your yoga class.

-Will others be able to see your stomach?
-Is the neckline so low that others can see your chest area?
-Are you comfortable in this shirt while you are in this pose?

These might seem like silly questions, but it is better to figure this stuff out while you are at home than when you are in a crowded yoga studio exposing everyone to your 'girls' (or 'boys' ).

Tip: If you choose to wear long sleeves you might want to make sure that the sleeves don't come down past your wrists – wrestling with the sleeves of your shirt will take you out of your yoga workout meditation and may even cause you to lose proper form during certain poses.

One of the greatest things about yoga is that you can come as you are. There is no dress code, there is no fitness level that you have to be at, and there is no one to compete with except yourself. Your yoga routine is all about meeting yourself where you are and taking yourself to the next level. When you dress for your yoga success, you will be unstoppable.

Yoga for the Soul

Yoga can do many things for a person. Not only can it heal your body from many common illnesses but it can also help you to lose weight, make better food choices, and reshape your entire being. But beyond the physical and mental benefits of a good yoga routine there is something else that yoga can do, something that can change your entire life from the inside out.

When you combine yoga with meditation you are able to go deeper into yourself, you are able to see yourself in ways that you have never seen yourself before and you are able to tap into your subconscious like never before.

So How do You Use Yoga with Meditation?

What many yoga practitioners will do is start with a good yoga practice. This practice should be sequenced to open up the body, stretch the muscles, and get your energy flowing. The yoga class could be anything from gentle yoga to a more focused vinyasa flow yoga, but either way it doesn't matter. The goal of a yoga class is simply to open up the body, get the energy flowing and start using your breath to guide you into deeper poses.

After the yoga portion of the class is done, you will then lay on your back (usually in corpse pose), close your eyes, and breathe for a few minutes in a silent meditation. This is where everything will come together. You will have the relaxed energy that comes with your yoga practice and the deep sense of peace and serenity that comes with meditating. During these moments you will try to keep your mind clear as you focus on nothing but your breath.

You might be surprised to discover that even though you are not thinking about anything during your meditation, certain things will just come to you. You might suddenly be able to make a decision you are struggling with, you might get an idea that you have never had before, you may even think of a person you haven't thought of in years.

Whatever it is just let it happen. When you are meditating, you are connecting with your inner self and you are tapping into your sub conscious in a way that allows you to go deeply into your innermost thoughts. But the best thing about combining yoga and meditation is that you will go through the rest of your day with a deep sense of relaxation and an amazing amount of productivity.

But Be Warned, Not All Yoga Practitioners Use Yoga with Meditation

While most people who teach yoga understand the importance of teaching their students to connect the body with the soul when they do a good yoga practice, not all yoga teachers do. Even though yoga teachers aren't required to show their students the benefits of a good yoga meditation, you will never get the full benefits without it.  But if you keep practicing yoga with meditation you will find that you will reach a point in your yoga practices when you are able to meditate through your yoga practice. You will go through the practice as normal but instead of feeling the tension of those tougher poses you will be able to simply focus on one point and breath through the pose with ease.

Power Yoga Powering it up

Are you looking for a yoga routine that will let you feel stronger, more self assured, and more powerful. Then why not try some power yoga? Power yoga is designed to get the energy flowing, get the blood pumping and clear your mind all at the same time. It is no wonder so many people are addicted to the silent strength that comes with a good power yoga routine.

When you do power yoga, you are doing a series of vinyasa 'flow' poses that are designed to build heat and give you a strong workout through a simple sequence of yoga postures. Because you are doing these poses without stopping the energy in your body is in constant motion. This constant motion helps to instantly release tension through the entire body, instantly giving you relief from stress, headaches, or any other aches and pains your body is feeling.

But the real 'power' in power yoga comes from within. With many yoga practices you get into a pose and then you take some deep breaths allowing your breath to stretch you further into the pose, (which is great because it teaches us to breathe through stressful situations and become more aware of how far we can physically push our bodies). On the other hand, with power yoga the focus is more on building heat within your body, allowing you to develop strength and flexibility.

Do you know if Power Yoga is Right for You?

Power yoga can be energizing, cleansing, and fun, but that doesn't mean that it is for everyone. In fact, if you have never tried yoga before you may want to take some easier classes before adding a power yoga class to your workout routine.

There are two keys to a successful yoga practice, proper form and using the breath. If you don't know how to align your body into proper form during a fast yoga routine like power yoga you are increasing your chances of injury. In the same sense, if you don't know how to let your breath guide your movements you are increasing your chances of getting of exhausting your body during the power yoga routine.

If you have been practicing yoga to the point where you are familiar with many of the poses and you can tell when your body is not properly aligned, then it might be a good time for you to try power yoga. Of course, if you have any trouble keeping up with the instructor or if you begin to feel exhausted from the routine you can always rest safely in child's pose until you feel like you can safely join in the routine again.

Power yoga is all about helping you to push yourself to your edge without going over it. The more you do yoga, the more you will be in tune with your body and what it can handle.  Only you know will truly know if and when you are able to try a power yoga routine. While power yoga can be an amazing experience for the body, mind, and soul the fast pace can make you more susceptible to injury if you do not know how to align yourself properly.

Need power Try Core Power Yoga

There are a lot of great things about a good yoga practice, and all of these things make yoga a very addicting workout. Whether you are looking to be more productive in your day, build muscle, ease anxiety, or just have a general feeling of well being yoga can give you that.

But one of the best things about yoga is the way that it tones and strengthens those core muscles. When your core is strong, it is like the rest of your body automatically feels stronger too. A strong core feels like you have a band around your entire midsection, you walk taller, you stand straighter, and you just feel sexier about yourself.

If you are looking for a great way to shape your core and get sweat those nasty toxins out of your body, core power yoga is for you. Just one round of this powerful yoga routine will have you hooked. This is the kind of yoga class that will push you while you are there, but you will walk out feeling like you have just done an amazing thing for your body.

What exactly is core power yoga?

Everyone of us has an inner power, we all have an inner strength that can do amazing things for our well being and the shape of our bodies. The trick is tapping into this power. When you do core power yoga, you are able to connect with this inner power and stay locked into that power for your entire yoga routine. Using core poses, a heated room, and a flowing vinyasa routine, core power yoga is designed to work out your core, your body, and your soul.

So what is the difference between core power yoga and other yoga exercises?

When it comes to core power yoga, you are not just getting a regular yoga routine. Instead you are getting a program that is targeted towards tightening that midsection and firming up the 'invisible band' around your core that keeps your entire midsection firm and strong.

While many yoga routines have a lot of good core toning moves built into them, when you are doing core power yoga, your main focus is on building strength and shape in that midsection. Even if you practice more gentle yoga routines regularly, you will be surprised at how hard you work when you start to practice core power yoga.

Yoga is not just a workout routine, it teaches us to tap into our own sense of self and how to deal with life in an entirely new way. But that doesn't mean that yoga isn't challenging. If you are ready to take your yoga to the next step and get those sleek sexy abs that you have been dreaming about, core power yoga is for you.